Balancing Pose - Tolasana
Vivekan in Balancing Pose - Tolasana. Which pose would you like to see Vivekan, founder of #BodhisattvaYoga, in next? #AsanasWithVivekan 💣
Reversed Warrior Pose - Viparita Virabhadrasana
Continuing the #AsanasWithVivekan series... Here is #BodhisattvaYoga founder Vivekan in Reversed Warrior Pose (Viparita Virabhadrasana).
What asana (pose) would you like to see Vivekan in next? Stay tuned for more, as your requested pose may be featured in the coming weeks! 🌟
Share this series with your friends and give us a shout where you'd like to attend the next Bodhisattva Yoga event!
Good for the Heart
Handstand - Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Peacock Pose - Mayurasana
#AsanasWithVivekan continues...
Here's #BodhisattvaYoga founder Vivekan in Peacock Pose!
Write in the comments below which pose you'd like to see Vivekan in next...
Your Positive Potential
No What If's!
Tree Pose - Vrksasana
Here's #BodhisattvaYoga founder Vivekan in Tree Pose by a beautiful creek!
Write in the comments below which pose you'd like to see Vivekan in next!
Combat Mental Decline with Bodhisattva Yoga
Studies are demonstrating that as we age, our brain function diminishes. With every passing decade, our brain’s executive functions, for example, strategic attention, innovation and integrative reasoning deteriorate. Compounding this, our memory functions decline too as we age. These same study findings confirm that we need different forms of training to counter these forms of cognitive degeneration that relate to aging. Generally speaking, we need consistent aerobic exercises to aid the regions of the brain related to memory. As for the regions of the brain related to executive functions, varying forms of mental exercises prove helpful.
Unless one has a lifestyle with a sufficient amount of leisure - coupled with a personality that is motivated and not slothful - it is difficult to address these two forms of age-related mental degeneration, with consistency over the decades. Yet, this is necessary and precisely what we must do if we are to optimize our mental functions, let alone enjoy our Golden Years with a sharp mind. Can we effectively meet these forms of mental strengthening in one discipline of training simultaneously? With my system of instruction, Bodhisattva Yoga™, we can.
Many forms of yoga today focus on just moving the body for sweating and sheer exercise, and as a form of escape from existential misery. Although that’s not my style, preference or what I believe Yoga is (it does aid Americans in combating obesity, and that’s valuable!), this form of practice, 3 or more times a week, for over twelve weeks, will aid in memory. As a matter of fact, one will likely score better on a memory test even after one session. How much more so, with consistency, over time!
Other forms of yoga, like Buddhist trainings in mindfulness, analytical reasoning and compassion development, offer tremendous benefits and value in developing and improving the brain’s executive functions. It’s not easy to find a scholar monk - who continuously studies, memorizes and analyzes - experiencing cognitive decline in their executive functions. Look at H.H., the Dalai Lama… Although now in his 80’s, his mental prowess is awe-inspiring! Yet, this training does not address the need to elevate the heart rate in order to prevent &/or minimize both physical degeneration and recollection decline.
This is where Bodhisattva Yoga comes in. My system of instruction combines the salient elements of both of the above forms of training needed to mitigate &/or stall memory and executive function deterioration. Although I disagree with mindless, callisthenic-like exertions labeled as yoga, my system is physically challenging. My sequencing of poses builds in intensity during the course of a practice session, at once developing strength and elevating the heart rate considerably. This is excellent for aiding memory. Additionally, each practice period invites the practitioner to move and engage the body mindfully, while establishing a motivation that requires some level of reasoning and analysis. Mindfulness and analytical reasoning are fantastic for aiding the brain’s executive function.
Join me in combating mental decline by practicing Bodhisattva Yoga with me! In the comments below, tell us where it is you would like to work with me and receive Bodhisattva Yoga instruction.
In mental and physical wellbeing,
Inspiration from Vivekan
If we can practice more acceptance...
In stillness, I see.
Original haiku by #BodhisattvaYoga founder Vivekan
Thoughts fall, quietude.
Enjoy this new, original haiku from #BodhisattvaYoga founder Vivekan...
Original Haiku from Vivekan
Cool breeze, dancing trees,
Sun's dappled light warming them.
No need for talking.
-@VivekanYogi on Instagram #BodhisattvaYoga
Cultivate Health & Light
Bodhisattva Yoga listed as one of 19 Awesome Yoga Styles in Brooklyn
Bodhisattva Yoga is listed as one of 19 Awesome Yoga Studios & Styles in Brooklyn!
"Bodhisattva Yoga is both a style of yoga and the name of [the former] Park Slope Studio. Its founder, Vivekan, opened the studio in 2004 so he’d have a home for this style of yoga, which keys on breath-based flows that incorporate awareness of alignment with sun salutation sequences. The Bodhisattva [Yoga] style combines Dharma with meditation and breath to create physical fitness and a confident body and mind."
Bodhisattva Yoga's New Chapter
As many of you already know, Bodhisattva Yoga's Park Slope, Brooklyn location of over 12-years closed at the end of February this year.
In order to broaden the reach of #BodhisattvaYoga and free up the high demands of running a full-time yoga studio, Vivekan - the founder of Bodhisattva Yoga's unique system of instruction and the primary instructor at the Brooklyn studio for it's 12-year run - is pleased to usher in a whole new chapter of Bodhisattva Yoga in which he has greater availability to lead domestic and international Yoga Retreats, as well as Yoga Teacher Trainings, Yoga and Meditation Workshops, and much more...
In essence, Bodhisattva Yoga's "New Chapter" is all about taking #BodhisattvaYoga to the next level, allowing more individuals to benefit from this unique, transformative and profound system of yoga instruction.
Join Vivekan and Bodhisattva Yoga in this new chapter!
Say hello and/or share your favorite #BodhisattvaYoga moments on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter!
Apply for the Awaken Your Inner Warrior Yoga Teacher Training Program or enroll for any one of the upcoming Weekend Yoga Retreats in New England!
Stay tuned via
True Heroism
Do Good Things
Need some inspiration for your Wednesday afternoon?
#DoGoodThings #Vivekan #BodhisattvaYoga
Yoga Teacher Training/Immersion Program
Great news! Applications are now available for anyone interested in Bodhisattva Yoga's Awaken Your Inner Warrior 200-Hour Yoga Certification/Immersion Program starting this July 2016!
It's easy to apply! Your application will be emailed to you. Once accepted, application fees will be applied to your program tuition.